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Monday, January 17, 2011

The Best Cebu Food

Indeed, it is always a pleasure to have the chance to eat good food. This provides the opportunity to bond with friends and family members as they eat and share meals together. The good food is a perfect match to the moment when people can talk about anything, and where the food is much more enjoyed. It is a good time to break away from the usual tedious routines and schedules and instead just enjoy the good food and the company of friends and families.
With the so many food cuisines and cooking styles that we are aware of, it is indeed hard for one to stand out and make us recall it easy. We have different standards and taste preferences, and most often, how we view food seems to be subjective....

"saging" a Cebuano term for banana
It is, however, inspiring to know that Cebu food is one of those that has stood out and most preferred over the hard years. Cebu has maintained the elegance and the class with the kinds of foods that it offers. Cebu has indeed a lot in line for those who are in the mood for a food trip, with the several delicacies and food styles and cuisines. True, Cebuano food stands out from the rest, perhaps because of its ingenuity and distinctiveness. The Cebu food is perfect and apt for everyone – regardless of whether one favours the sweet, sour, salty or hot and chilli. Cebu has a lot to offer, and it is sure that there is for every taste preference. Perhaps, it is also true that Cebu food is one thing that attract and lures local and foreign tourists to come to the islands and keep on coming back. The food is undeniably delicious and it is surely tempting never to miss it once one has a chance to try it.
On that note, we are bringing you a comprehensive and detailed discussion of Cebu food, from the sweets and delicacies to refreshments to snacks to street food and everything. We are sure that you are going to enjoy what the site has provided for food lovers and food enthusiasts like you, especially with such an interesting subject like Cebu Food. Together, we will discover the reasons why Cebuano food and cuisine remains to be one undisputed favourite among Filipinos and even foreigners. Nevertheless, it is best that you try them for yourselves and see what fits your taste buds best and what pleases you the most.

"buwad" a Cebuano term for dried fish
Not as famous as French, Indian, or Chinese, but Cebuano food / cuisine holds its own against the great culinary cultures of the world. The style is distinctive and the flavors are subtle. Like other cuisines common in humid climes, Cebu's dishes tend to be wet - soups and sauteed dishes prevail. This may take some getting used to at first, especially for Europeans. But the effort to adapt and learn is definitely worth your time.

There are crucial elements of Cebuano cuisine which pop up in numerous dishes. One is the local chilli and the other one is native vinegar.

The Cebuano chilli are tiny. Few specimens are longer than an inch. The sili is in fact the hottest chilli on this planet. It is impossible to eat a sili. The way it is usually used is in a sauce used for flavoring where it is squished to release the juices into the surrounding sauce.

Native vinegar is made from the sap of coconut trees. It has rich, inimical flavor and develops out of an alcoholic drink called tuba. It's used to flavor just about all dishes.

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